Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Little Things

I have always been a proponent of little things. No, no, no…get your mind out of the gutter. I am talking about the little things that your partner says and does within a relationship that express their love without making a grand gesture. It is these little things that keep my irrational, crazy bitch oh-my-god-he-doesn’t-love-me-anymore self tucked away nicely in the closet. These little things include the little kisses he plants on my forehead and the quick text messages that let me know I’m on his mind.

Along with those little things, there are also the unrelated things. These are the things he says and does that really don’t have anything to do with me but they scream “I love you Catherine” loud and clear. My current s/o does lots of these little unrelated things.

He loves my family. My family is beyond impossible. My mother is overbearing and overprotective. She is annoying and messy. My brother is goofy and nerdy, and my dad is mean and moody. I love them wildly. They have provided for me though all of the crap that has happened in my life. However, when new boyfriends enter the picture they often misunderstand my wonderful family. S/O is not one of those. He has embraced them whole heartedly. He plays board games and makes jokes with them. When I see him interacting with my family it makes my heart skip a beat and makes me know that he loves me unconditionally.

He goes to church with me. My faith is a very complex aspect of who I am and my boyfriend understands that. Even though I would never ask him to go to church with me, he goes every week he is in town. He goes and sits and sings and plays the part of the love of my life….probably because he is the love of my life. Tonight, while sitting at the dinner table (with my family!) the S/O asks what it takes to join the church. It took everything I had not to cry. I have always wanted a guy who would join the church and make that commitment to me. I don’t know if he will follow through with it, but just the thought makes me so incredibly happy.

So to every guy out there I’m just letting you know, it is the little things that keep your lady happy in that deep down, crazy in love kind of way.

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