Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Oh You Know You Want It...

Don't you just love it when something BIG is about to happen in your life and you have no control over it at all. I am a self professed control freak and I like being, well, in control. That being said, it drives me crazy when things happen to me or around me and I cant stick my big fat nosey behind into it.

Enter the boyfriend with.....the ring. My darling significant other and I have been dating for about seven months now and I know, without a doubt that he is my one. He makes me happier than any other guy I have ever been with and I could totally see myself with him from now until the end of time. So naturally I want the big sparkly rock. I wouldn’t have dared to bring it up on my own...that is like the crazy girl relationship death sentence. If you bring up the ring before he is ready then you just look desperate.

However, there comes a time in a girl's life when she starts getting the "I-wanna-husband" itch. This usually occurs around 23 (in the south that is). At this point said girl has umpteen million friends who are all getting engaged and married. Desperation only enters the picture when the girl's younger friends start getting the rock and she has yet to. Now, this is not making light of the marriage itself. For at this point the girl doesn’t just want the perfect ring, she wants the perfect man and the perfect marriage.

As I am nearing that itchy time in my life, I want my happy ending. Not wanting to bring it up first, I waited and waited and waited. So I waited a little more and eventually the boyfriend brought up the topic. I am very sure he regrets having brought it up because now I am driving him up the wall. Every single day I want to ask "’s that proposal thing coming along?" Anything I can do to help you with that? Anything I can do to speed this process along? Hell I even drove 800 miles in one weekend so I could make sure he had the ring. (Which we didn’t get, but that is a whole other story)

I have to give the bf props though...he has been very patient and is keeping me super excited about it. It is difficult for me because I want the experience to be super wonderful and grand. The way I can ensure that is plan it myself. The only problem is I don’t want to plan it myself. I want him to do it. I want it to be a total and complete surprise but the kind of surprise that is perfect in every aspect. No pressure.

I guess my only option is to trust him and know that the perfect moment will be perfect as long as at the end of the night I get to be engaged to my sweetheart.

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